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IRID is a volunteer member organization dedicated to the promotion of the interpreting profession. Joining provides you with some wonderful benefits such as information sharing, networking opportunities, training and educational events, access to resources, materials, scholarships, and mentoring to promote career advancement.
Members of IRID receive discounts to IRID workshops and webinars. Scholarships are available for members ready to take national certification exams. Access to our quarterly newsletter, eligibility to vote on local and national RID issues, and discounted CEU processing are among the many reasons to join IRID today.
Community of Practitioners
Community of Practitioners is currently dormant.
Community of Practitioners is a monthly collaborative for working sign language interpreters and interpreting students, in the state of Illinois.
Support the work of IRID by making a tax deductible donation today.
Meet Our Volunteers
The Board
Our Board is comprised of community leaders with expertise in a wide range of areas, including training, advocacy, education, finance, development, and business management.
The Board meets quarterly and is responsible for taking care of the strategic and financial health of the organization on an ongoing basis.
Board officers are elected by the membership of IRID during the annual business meeting.
Committees provide the opportunity for members to contribute to the future growth and direction of the organization—to make a real difference for interpreters, students of interpreting, and the Deaf Community we serve.
IRID is now accepting nominations for individuals prepared to offer their leadership in service on the Board.
These key positions in IRID provide the opportunity to guide the future growth and direction of the organization—to make a real difference for interpreters, students of interpreting, and the Deaf Community we serve. Please take the time to consider running for one of these key positions
You can also nominate someone you think would be a good candidate, and we will be happy to contact them on your behalf.
Catch up on what the board has been doing. Download board reports and the minutes from past meetings here.
December 05, 2020 approved board meeting minutes and reports
2020 Membership Meeting Minutes
August 08, 2020 approved board meeting minutes and reports
June 23, 2020 approved board meeting minutes
May 02, 2020 approved board meeting minutes and reports
February 08, 2020 approved board meeting minutes and reports
December 07, 2019 approved board meeting minutes
October 05, 2019 approved annual membership meeting minutes and reports
August 18, 2019 approved board meeting minutes and reports
Organizational Documents
The Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf strives to advocate for best practices in interpreting, to sponsor professional development for practitioners, and to encourage the highest standards in the provision of interpreting services for diverse users of languages that are signed or spoken.
The philosophy of IRID is that excellence in the delivery of interpretation/transliteration services among people will ensure effective communication. As the professional association of interpreters and transliterators, IRID serves as an essential arena for its members in their pursuit of excellence
To actively foster an inclusive environment in which IRID embraces diversity as an integral part of the association, IRID is committed to establishing and maintaining a diverse, accessible, civil, and supportive environment that adheres to IRID’s philosophy, mission, and goals. IRID is committed to providing growth opportunities that allow members to reach their full potential and maximize member value. IRID pledges to seek partners who share our philosophy and commitment to upholding high standards of diversity within the association.
Open a downloadable copy of the bylaws HERE
The Bylaws of the Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf
The name of this organization shall be the Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (IRID). The purpose of the IRID is to promote the interpreting profession and professionalism in interpreting for people who are Deaf, DeafBlind, Hard of Hearing and Hearing.
As a sub-chapter of RID, an organization that has played a leading role in establishing a national standard of quality for interpreters and transliterators, IRID works to support growth of the profession, to educate the public about the vital role of interpreters and transliterators and to ensure equal opportunity and access for all individuals.
The mission and values of IRID are reflected in the following statement and incorporated into the actions and activities of all IRID initiatives:
The Illinois Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf strives to advocate for best practices in interpreting, to sponsor professional development for practitioners, and to encourage the highest standards in the provision of interpreting services for diverse users of languages that are signed or spoken.
IRID is open to all individuals and organizations without regard to age, color, political belief, ability, hearing status, marital status, national or ethnic heritage, religion, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, or veteran status.
- Voting members – persons who are members in good standing of IRID and RID, Inc., with membership in an RID voting category.
- Non-voting members – persons who are members in good standing of IRID and may or may not have membership in any RID, Inc. non-voting category. This may include students and allies of the profession.
- Organizational members – any organization with an interest in supporting the association; carries no voting privileges.
- A general membership meeting must be convened annually. The Board shall set the date at least thirty (30) days in advance and notify the membership in writing; via U.S. mail or electronic mail.
- There shall be as many other subsequent meetings of the organization as are deemed necessary and such meetings may be called by the president or at the formal request of at least ten (10) voting members. Notice of subsequent meetings must be sent to the membership at least ten (10) business days in advance of the meeting.
- Non-voting members may participate in discussions at meetings, but may neither make nor second motions.
- A quorum to conduct business for all membership meetings shall consist of no less than 15% of the current voting membership.
- Dues: Annual IRID membership dues shall be set by a vote of the membership.
- Assessments: Assessments may be levied on all members by action of two-thirds of the voting members in good standing at any meeting, provided previous notice has been given. A maximum of $10 per member may be assessed in each fiscal year.
The affairs of the IRID shall be governed by the Board of Directors (to be referred to as ‘the Board’) consisting of the following members: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, three (3) Members-at-Large (MAL), a Student Representative, an Illinois Association of the Deaf (IAD) Representative, and (in alternate years) the Immediate Past President. Each member of the Board, except the IAD Representative and Student-Rep-Elect, must be a voting member in good standing of RID, Inc. and IRID. The Student-Re-Elect shall be a member in good standing in any category of IRID and be currently enrolled in an Interpreter Preparation Program located in Illinois at the time of election. The IAD Representative is appointed by the Illinois Association of the Deaf (IAD). All IRID Board Members must be a resident of the state of Illinois.
The Executive Board shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All candidates for the Executive Board, shall have been IRID and RID members in good standing for at least two (2) consecutive years prior to candidacy. All candidates for remaining Board positions, with the exception of the IAD Representative and Student Representative, shall have been IRID and RID members in good standing for at least one (1) year. All IRID board members shall have voting privileges on the Board with the exception of the immediate past president and the Student-Rep-Elect.
Duties of IRID Board Members
- The President shall preside at all board and general membership meetings of the organization. With the approval of the Board, the President shall establish and dissolve committees whenever necessary to carry out the functions of the organization. The President shall be the official liaison to the RID, Inc. The President shall perform other duties as shall be designated by the Board.
- The Vice President shall attend all Board meetings and, in the absence of the President, perform the duties of the President. The Vice President shall be a liaison to the Conference Committee. The Vice President shall also carry out other duties assigned by the Board.
- The Secretary shall attend all Board meetings, take and keep minutes of all meetings of the organization. The Secretary shall be responsible for sending notices of all meetings, provide the minutes of each meeting to the newsletter editor, and other duties as delegated.
- The Treasurer shall attend all Board meetings, chair the Financial Committee, collect the monies of the organization and make disbursements as directed by the Board. The treasurer shall prepare financial reports for each board meeting and prepare a year-end report. Treasurer reports and IRID financial records shall be subject to a financial review at least every two (2) years. Financial reviews shall be an external audit by a qualified accounting professional. The Treasurer must be bonded. The fee for the Treasurer to be bonded shall be incurred by IRID. The outgoing Treasurer will work with the incoming treasurer to close out the conference. The handover of all financial documents and duties will take place no later than 30 days after the annual general membership meeting and conference.
- The Members-at-Large shall attend all board meetings, serve as liaisons to IRID committees and be assigned duties by the Executive Board as deemed necessary.
- The Student Representative shall attend all Board meetings and serve as a liaison between the Board and ITPs in the state of Illinois. The Student Representative shall mentor the newly elected Student Rep-Elect to assume the Student Representative position in their second year. The Student Rep-Elect shall attend all Board meetings and work in collaboration with the Student Representative.
- The IAD Representative shall function as a liaison between the Illinois RID and the Illinois Association of the Deaf and shall perform such other duties as prescribed by the IRID Board. The IAD Representative position shall be the current IAD President or a permanent IAD designee for the term of the sitting IAD President.
- The Immediate Past President shall serve as a consultant to the Board. No voting privileges are accorded to the Immediate Past President.
- The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected by the membership for a term of two (2) years. President and Secretary shall be elected in odd numbered years, and Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in even numbered years.
- Members-at-Large shall be elected for a term of three (3) years. A new Member At Large shall be elected each year.
- The Student Representative shall be elected for a term of one (1) year.
- The term of immediate Past President shall be one (1) year.
- All new terms begin at the close of the general membership meeting in which the new board member was voted in, with the exception of the Treasurer.
- Board members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms in any one Board position.
- The board shall meet at least quarterly
- A quorum for the IRID board meetings shall be a simple majority of the board.
- IRID members may participate in discussions but may not make motions or vote.
In the event Board members cannot complete their term of office, the current Board will appoint a replacement for the remainder of the term.
- Financial Committee: The financial committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer for a two (2) year term with as many members as appointed by the board. The treasurer shall act as liaison to the board for this committee. The function of this committee is to investigate monetary resources available and make recommendations to the board. Chair is not limited to one term.
- Membership Committee: The membership committee shall be chaired for a two (2) year term by a member in good standing as approved by the board, and as many members as appointed by the chairperson. A Member-at-Large shall act as liaison to the board for this committee. The function of the committee shall be to recruit and to maintain membership regardless of age, color, political belief, ability, hearing status, marital status, national or ethnic heritage, religion, race, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, or veteran status.The committee shall also maintain an up-to-date listing of members. Chair is not limited to one term.
- Communication Committee: The communication committee shall be chaired for a two (2) year term by a member in good standing as approved by the board and as many members as approved by the chair. Member-at-Large shall act as liaison to the board for this committee. The function of this committee shall be to manage the IRID Website, email blasts, member surveys and pertinent communications with IRID members. Chair is not limited to one term.
- Professional Development Committee: The PDC shall be chaired for a two (2) year term by a member in good standing as approved by the board and as many members as appointed by the chairperson. A Member-at-Large shall act as liaison to the board for this committee. The function of this committee shall be to plan and implement a minimum of two (2) professional development and continuing education opportunities annually. Chair is not limited to one term.
- Nominating Committee: Nominations shall be made by a nominating committee consisting of three members selected by the President. The Nominating Committee shall convene 60 days prior to the election meeting. The Nominating Committee will compile a slate of nominees to be announced to the membership with the official notice of the election. Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the time of the elections. Voting shall be held at the annual meeting of the membership by simple majority. Chair is not limited to one term.
- Bylaws Committee: Recommend bylaw changes, assures adherence to current bylaws. Compile the bylaws and policies and procedures manual. Review the bylaws, policies and procedures on a regular basis and update documents as necessary. Secure a qualified Parliamentarian to be present at all general and special membership meetings. Chair is not limited to one term.
- Conference Committee: Charged with all aspects of the annual IRID Conference under the guidance of the Vice President and Board approval. Chair is not limited to one term.
Ad hoc work groups shall be established and dissolved by the IRID President for a specific purpose as appropriate, with majority approval of the Board. A Member-at-Large shall act as liaison to the Board for these groups.
Examples of Ad Hoc work groups may include but are not limited to: Deaf Interpreter, Licensure, Awards, and Entry to Practice.
Certification Maintenance Program Administrator: The CMP Administrator shall be a voting member or members in good standing and appointed by the President with the Board’s approval. A Member-at-Large shall act as liaison to the board for this committee. The function of this position shall be to approve, file and process continuing education unit paperwork for workshops, conferences and independent studies in accordance with the RID PDC CMP Standards & Criteria Manual, and to maintain good sponsor status with RID, Inc.
The IRID shall make bylaws for their own government, not inconsistent with the laws and regulations promulgated by the Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc., as interpreted by the IRID board. Robert’s Rules of Order, current edition, shall be the parliamentary authority governing deliberations of this organization. Additional information may be found in the IRID Policy and Procedure Manual.
These bylaws may be altered, amended or repealed by two-thirds (2/3) of the votes cast by voting members. Written notice of such amendments must be given to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance. Voting may be done by mail, electronically, or at any regular or subsequent meeting of the membership.
In the event of the dissolution of this organization, all remaining assets, real and personal property of whatever nature shall be transferred to the headquarters of the Registry of the Interpreters for the Deaf, Inc.
Business Meeting Standing Rules, 2020
- The IRID President or his/her/their designee (Chair) shall preside at the business meeting.
- The official languages of the business meeting are American Sign Language and English.
- The Membership Chair shall report at the beginning of the business meeting the number of voting members present.
- In the event we do not have a quorum, we will discuss business items and any recommendations from this meeting would be brought to the Board of Directors for further action. No motions will be voted on without a quorum.
- Any voting member in good standing with both RID and IRID may present and second motions and resolutions.
- Any voting member in good standing may participate in discussion by making it known in “chat” via written English, that they would like to speak and indicating which language they will be using to comment. Once recognized, participants will wait until they are “spotlighted” to comment.
- Members participating in discussion shall identify themselves using their name and stating if they are speaking for or against a motion before speaking on the motion.
- A maximum of six (6) members, three (3) in support of and three in opposition to the motion/resolution on the floor may debate each debatable item. Each member is allowed a maximum of five (5) minutes for debate. A member may be recognized a second time to address the same issue, only if there are no other members desiring recognition to address the issue at hand. The Chair will alternately recognize speakers in support and those against the motion/resolution.
- Any member in good standing with both RID and IRID may vote. National RID officers who are not members of IRID may speak during the business meeting when asked by the Chair or members from the assembly.
- Motions brought before the membership will voted on utilizing the “participants” tab in Zoom with the options of “yes” or “no”. The coffee icon will be used for abstensions. Board elections will be conducted via “polls” which will contain the candidate’s name.
- These standing rules shall be adopted, amended or suspended by two-thirds (⅔) of the voting membership present.
- In accordance with IRID’s bylaws, candidates for positions on the Board of Directors must have been members in good standing as outlined in Article III Section 1 of the bylaws.
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Who we share your data with
As an affiliate chapter of Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf, we are required to share our membership roles with the national organization. We will never sell or share members’ information with anyone else.
How long we retain your data
If you leave a comment, the comment and its metadata are retained indefinitely. This is so we can recognize and approve any follow-up comments automatically instead of holding them in a moderation queue.
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coming soon
ASL & Interpreting in Illinois
Licensure and IDHHC
Our state requires that all ASL - English interpreters be licensed by the Illinois Deaf and Hard of Hearing Commission. License levels help guide interpreters in selecting appropriate assignments, and help clients and consumers in selecting a qualified interpreter.
IDHHC also maintains a directory of all currently licensed interpreters.
Working with an interpreter
If you have questions about working with or hiring an ASL-English Interpreter, here are some tips for a successful experience.
Agencies and Referral Services
Many freelance interpreters in Illinois work through referral agencies. For a list of agencies who can help you find a qualified interpreter, check out our agency directory.
These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval by IRID of any of the products, services or opinions of the corporation or organization or individual. IRID bears no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of an external site or for that of subsequent links.
Learning ASL in Illinois
Whether you are interested in learning ASL for pleasure or you are considering a career as an interpreter, the best place to learn ASL is from the Deaf community.
Here's a list of community classes in ASL, as well as training programs for interpreters. ASL Classes and ITPs